How to Staff a Medical Practice in an Unpredictable Marketplace

Adapt your hiring strategy for today's uncertain healthcare economy

Uncertainty has now become a hallmark of the business of providing office-based medical care. Conditions in the healthcare marketplace vary depending upon geographic region, practice specialty, and local severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many ambulatory medical practices have experienced a supply versus demand roller coaster.

Business risk can be high for specialties that rely heavily upon elective surgeries and procedures. Some practices have shut down and reopened—only to have to close down again. Meanwhile, practices in other specialties and regions may find opportunities for growth.

For professionals and staff who work in ambulatory healthcare, COVID-19 has been an eye-opening experience. Many chose careers in this sector because they perceived healthcare to offer stability and secure employment. COVID-19 made us wiser. It taught us that the business of medicine is vulnerable to economic forces, just as are other sectors of the economy.

One common challenge medical practices face: How to staff their offices in this unpredictable environment. Changes now will have a profound impact on hiring practices well into the future. This e-book explores trends likely to impact how you staff your medical office and provides guidance for moving forward.

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