Gain Deep Insight into Customer Engagement via a Content Engagement Platform

Marketing professionals in the B2B space are experiencing a momentous shift in content marketing. Lead generation has evolved beyond persona-based campaigns and the focus is turning to targeted messaging that delivers individualized content throughout the sales lifecycle. The challenge is to determine the level of buyer engagement and deliver the right messaging at the right time – and highly targeted programs with overpriced leads are not the answer. 

The need for deep insight into the buyer's journey is not served by a static PDF file that offers zero insight beyond the recipient's initial open. A lead that is delivered on a Content Engagement Platform provides unparalleled insight into every stage of the buyer's journey as it tracks actions such as multiple opens, shares, downloads, and social engagement – Useable information.

  • Advantages of a Content Engagement Platform over static PDF files
  • Provide relevant content throughout the sales lifecycle with the detailed reporting
  • Effective nurture programs go beyond BANT with insight into a lead's interaction with your content
  • Delivering and tracking multiple pieces of content within one email




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