6 Ways ShareFile Creates a Better Workflow for Attorneys and Their Clients

The wide adoption of online resources has created an environment where people are no longer accustomed to delays such as waiting for information to arrive in the mail. Attorneys need advanced strategies and tools to keep up with clients’ expectations and the fast pace of business and law today.

Cloud-based extranets are increasingly popular tools for file sharing. Extranets provide space online where firms can load files and allow clients and other parties to log in and download information. A virtual extranet provides an unprecedented level of mobility and up-to-date security features to keep client files safe.

This whitepaper by Sarah Gould explains:

  • 6 key features that can help you set up the extranet and transfer files
  • How to cut down on costly production, mailing and delivery time
  • How to create and distribute files with little to no support from IT

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