DevOps-Ready IT: Accelerate Software Delivery for Success in the Digital Economy

In today’s digital economy, the ability to bring new software applications and updates to market quickly is a key to competitive advantage. For companies in diverse industries, the goal is the same: Get high-quality software into production as fast as possible. In this quest to accelerate release cycles, organizations must get beyond historical barriers that impede the rapid delivery of the software that keeps an enterprise competitive. In too many cases, processes tend to be inefficient, slow, and prone to failed releases. Much of the blame for the problem can be laid at the feet of organizational structures that mandate conflicting goals for the two key departments at either end of the application development chain: development/testing (dev/test) and operations. Where dev/test teams want to push their applications and updates into production quickly, operations teams want to go more slowly in order to maintain control and keep applications and systems available.

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